"Why did you have to name it Bacon Crack?!?" asked the officer.
"Because not all addictions are bad for you"
explained The Bacon Goddess.

Would You - Could You?
Bacon Crack Challenge
Do you like Bacon? How about Crispy, Spicy Bacon?
Create and Post a Family Friendly Reel holding package (or a just a sign) of #MauiSweetnSpicy #Bacon Crack and saying:
Iʻll Eat Bacon Crack ____________, ______________,
(on the beach, In a hat)
WOULD YOU, COULD YOU _____________________?
(with a cat)
Tag #BaconCrack #WouldYouCouldYou #Maui #Mauifood #MauiSweetnSpicy #Baconlove #BaconCrackAdventure #Delicious #EverythingBacon #BaconGoddess
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Maui SweetnSpicy has evolved from just the Aloha Spiced Cacao and Hawaiian spices line to creating specialty Cacao based superfoods that are nutritious and fun. Our seasonings bring home the taste of Hawaii.
Over 20 years ago, a toxic mold exposure robbed me of the use of my hands and arms for over a year. It was nutrition, not medication, that restored my functionality. Those lessons learned are the foundation of the formulation of our products - clean, healthy and delicious. Our products are vegan, keto friendly and lactose, gluten, dairy free.
Our promise to you is to produce clean label Hawaiian seasonings that have no preservatives, chemicals or additives. If we put it in our spices and seasonings, it will be on the label. Knowing your specialty food manufacturer means you can as questions about our process, our ingredients and our research. Have a special dietary need? Give us a shout. We love to explore with you all the ways you CAN use our Aloha Spiced Cacao, our Maui Cooking Spices and the Maui Superfoods.
We are here to help you explore a path to wellness that is so fun, easy and delicious that you will wonder what took you so long to rediscover the joy in real food.
Mahalo for joining our hui (group). I'm excited to continue creating decadent flavors and spices. I hope you will find lots of great ways to use them in your cooking and baking.
A hui ho!